Machine LearningWe, the home cooks of Kitchen Toke, don’t much believe in kitchen gadgets. You only need a few tools to cook competently: a good chef’s knife and a paring knife; a cutting board; measuring cups and spoons; a pot, a pan and just a couple other essentials.The same is true about cooking with cannabis. You don’t need much more than a stove, a saucepan and a strainer to make perfectly potent cannabutter, cannaoil and many other infusions.And yet fancy extraction machines abound on the culinary cannabis marketplace. If you’re a kitchen minimalist these may look silly to you. Others might find them intimidating. And yet they can be convenient, especially if you’re making large quantities of infused fats from flower or concentrate, making them often or operating without access to a proper kitchen. They can remove a lot of guesswork when it comes to settling on time and temperature for both decarbing and infusing. And they all get the job done relatively odor-free.We spent our COVID autumn playing around with three of the most popular infusion machines on the market, pumping out rivers of butter and oil infused with different strains, and enjoying pretty much all of the results. That isn’t to say the MB2E Botanical Extractor, the Ardent FX Precision Multi Tool and the LEVO II Herbal Oil & Butter Infusion Machine don’t come with their own design flaws and operational annoyances, as well as a universe of—ugh—accessory kitchen gadgets.Read the full review at Kitchen Toke.