A quick glimpse at what some of the Elyon team has been consuming this month – everything from culture, cannabis, munchies and more. Ag Stakeholders“Elyon cannabis joined the Sonoma County Ag Stakeholders group organized and run by Supervisor Lynda Hopkins. This is an opportunity to connect with other agricultural business operators in Sonoma County to see how we can continue to improve the local community and other resources for our workers and companies. As one might guess, the big topic for most of 2020 has been Covid19 testing and training for our essential agricultural workers. Covid19 training programs were actually implemented at all of the Elyon Cannabis farms in early March of 2020, and training updates are provided each time a public health order update has been issued, or if there is a new member to the team. I would never have thought in 2019 that one of our biggest challenges in 2020 would be sourcing our supply of masks and gloves for all the Elyon team members, and dealing with adding the pandemic to the illness prevention training program.” - Lori, Compliance SpecialistLeading Ladies“TV shows I've been binging right now are "I'm Sorry" on Netflix which has a Curb Your Enthusiasm type of feel, but it's written by a woman and starring herself, and it's so damn funny. Highly recommended. Also, High Fidelity on Hulu. There's only one season, but the soundtrack is INCREDIBLE, it's also starring another badass woman, and it's helped me get through my quarantine break-up. ALSO: I can't not mention The Queen's Gambit on Netflix. Such a good show to binge, either high or sober.” - Sofia, Senior Accounts Payable CoordinatorCongratulations!“It’s been a big few weeks for me. I turned 21 and got engaged! I traveled to San Diego for my birthday with my boyfriend who turned into my fiance. Super exciting! Other than that I’ve been working from home and trying to stay covid-free.” - Kiera, Photographer Hallmark Moments“I spent a few weeks with my family recently. It was mostly an amenable time but, boy, do they love Hallmark movies. Specifically the very cheesy, usually low-budget holiday movies that flood the TV this time of year. They could (and do) honestly spend hours a day watching these things. The only thing that helped me through? Getting The Most High, specifically on GMO. Thank you, cannabis for getting me through the holiday (movies).” - Jacqueline, BloggerPrincess Jaeda“For many years, my husband and I have had the privilege of being owned by “Princess Jaeda”, our Shar Pei Mix rescue dog who came home with us in January of 2008. We were told that she was found starving, and abandoned in Mendocino National Forest and the vet estimated her to be 10 months old when she came home with us. She is a fear biter and demands to be the dominant dog even though she’s half the size and older than our labrador Yogi Bear. Every day I have enjoyed the best greeting anyone could hope to ever get from a dog. Her Mr. Bill doll in her mouth saying “Oh Nooooo” as she wiggle waggles showing her joy. Sadly Jaeda is in the “home stretch,” having already lived past a Shar Pei expected 10 year life span, and she is now dealing with rear end paralysis. Jaeda is a trooper and loves her wheeling walks where she can smell the neighborhood news and leave her mark for the other dogs to know she came by. Now all we can do is try to make each day the absolute best for Princess Jaeda. We give her Vet CBD, and homemade Blood Orange cannabutter dog biscuits along with daily massages to ease any pain. Jaeda will forever be our first rescue.” - Lori Three-Fold Therapy“I've been loving smoking weed, playing some soothing, spa-like music on the "Calm" app, and just journaling for hours. I find it super therapeutic, especially during these crazy times. For most activities these days, I've been preferring hybrids. I recently found one called, "Bermuda Triangle", and it's a heavy-hitter at 32% so I don't have to consume as much to feel the effects. The perfect balance.” - SofiaToys for Tots“I don’t have any kids, but I remember being one. Christmas was always a favorite time because of the decorations, festivities, and of course, the Christmas presents. My mom was a single mom, but she always made sure we had a great Christmas celebration even when things were tight. That’s why I have so much respect for the Toys for Tots campaign and its mission to make sure that every kid has a present on Christmas day. You’ll find the donation boxes set up from October 1st through December waiting for you to put a donated toy in it so that it can find its way to a child in need. I love to imagine the children receiving their presents and opening them up and wondering if some day they too will donate to those in need. Whether it be time, food, money, or toys, the act of giving to another really is the greatest gift of all.” - LoriImage via Netflix.